You gotta see this. (
Anyway, Ray appeared on the Atheist Experience and demonstrated his ignorance yet again. We already know that Ray does not know anything about evolution (he doesn’t seem to know that bananas are cultigens, alarmingly), and not much about science in general. That’s not the point. With Ray it’s all about faith, and how faith “proves” there is a God. Naturally, Ray, along with other religious folks engaging in apologetics, seems to think that his faith has to be accepted as “proof” of God. The predictable double standard occurs with regard to his view on evolution. Now, could you convince Ray on evolution just through “faith”. I mean, if it works for religion, then why not evolution? If I tell someone I have “faith” evolution is true, then it is obviously correct? Yes? Of course not, and no atheist would ever resort to such fallacy and hypocritical argument. But forget mere “faith” in evolution, what about all the evidence? Well, Ray rejects that too, as it is not specific enough! That’s if he actually understands the evidence. I guess he doesn’t.
Essentially his argument, as we already know, is that that to prove Creationism all you need is “faith”. But to even begin to support the theory of evolution, you need far more than just “faith”, but something more. What that something more is, only Ray Comfort knows, because no amount of scientific evidence (of which we have a lot already) will ever convince somebody who possesses such ignorance and stupidity.
For someone who opposes the theory of evolution so vehemently, you would expect his knowledge of evolution, and biology in general, to be up to a certain standard. Sadly, and rather tragically, it is not. That is why it is essential to mock and laugh at the likes of Ray Comfort. If he can’t be bothered to teach himself about what he is arguing against, he deserves all the ridicule he gets.
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